100% Virtual Call Recording - No Equipment!No hardware or software is required to use our call recording services. This means very little investment to get started. Same day setups!
Change Your Outbound Caller IDIn cases where you want to call your customers back from your cell phone but you don't want them to see your mobile number, and rather them see your business caller id instead.
Unlimited Web Storage and Retrieval ForeverWe offer unlimited storage and retrieval forever OR as long as your remain as customer of Voice Stamps. This means you could instantly pull up a record that is 10 years old if you needed to.
Recording Inbound CallsTotal Call Recording - We can automatically record 100% of your Inbound calls automatically this is call Total Call Recording.
Recording Outbound CallsDialer Call Recording - Using one of our Dialing Platform access numbers, you simply speed dial into our system which will auto log you in. You enter the number you wish to call. You have the option to use your default outbound caller id or to override. Call recording begins as soon as the call is connected.
3-Way Call Recording - We give you a dedicated number to 3-way into, the system will log you in and begin recording automatically. See Chart with Types of Hosted Call Recording Below
Learn MoreCall Recording Laws by State
Inbound Call Recording Outbound Call Recording Stealth Call Recording Cloud Call Recording PBX Call Recording Cell Phone Call Recording Call Recording Apps iPhone Call Recording Apps Android Business Class
Call Recording Service Voice Stamps has been offering hosted call recording services for over decade. We have call recordings still online from over 10 years ago. We do not charge for storage space and we keep your data online forever, or as long as you are a customer. We back-up your data daily, our servers are running in mirrored and failover mode to prevent any loss of data. We take storage seriously, we have never lost single data record or audio file. We offer custom fields for notes, comments, and status. Individual and admin level logins are included. |
Types of Call Recording Services
Inbound Call RecordingTotal Call Recording
3-Way Call Recording |
- Records 100% of your Inbound Calls - Selective Recording is also available |
Never forget to press a button to record a call, its automatic so you can relax. |
Outbound Call RecordingCalling Card Call Recording
Cell Phone Call Recording 3-Way Call Recording |
- Works with all types of phone and lines. - No Hardware or Software Required |
Allows you to record any thing, any time, any place using any phone on any carrier. |
Stealth Call RecordingCalling Card Call Recording
Cell Phone Dialer Recording |
- Update Outbound Caller ID on-the-fly - Skips "this call is being recorded" message - Skips reading out confirmation numbers |
Allows you to make calls from your mobile phone without giving away your private mobile number. Allows mystery shoppers to remain anonymous and appear as local. |
Cloud Call Recording
Auto Attendant Call Recording
Virtual PBX Call Recording |
- Situation Based Call Recording - Department or Extension Based |
Allows you to only record certain departments or situations. |
PBX Call RecordingAuto Attendant Call Recording
Virtual PBX Call Recording |
- Situation Based Call Recording - Department or Extension Based |
Allows you to only record certain departments or situations. |
SIP Trunk Call RecordingRecording at the Trunk Level
Records 100% Inbound and Outbound Uses SIP or VoIP Phones |
- Entire Office Call Recording - Works with Most Virtual PBX Brands - Can Replace Existing SIP Trunks |
Allows you to record 100% of inbound and outbound calls with zero effort. |
Cell Phone Call Recording
Universal Cell Phone Call Recording
Total Cell Phone Call Recording Supports Apple and Droid Phones Supports, ATT, T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon |
- Works with Call Major Carriers - Works with all brand of mobile phones - Supports Both Inbound and Outbound |
Selective Call Recording Allows you to pick which calls you want to record both inbound and outbound. Total Call Recording Allow you to automatically record 100% of your inbound calls. |
iPhone App Call RecordingCalling Card Call Recording
Cell Phone Call Recording 3-Way Call Recording - optional |
- Supports iPhone Call Recording - Supports Inbound and Outbound Recording - Integrates with your iPhone Contacts |
Several Free iPhone Apps are available that are compatible with our services. |
Android App Call RecordingCalling Card Call Recording
Cell Phone Call Recording 3-Way Call Recording - optional |
- Supports Android Call Recording - Supports Inbound and Outbound Recording - Integrates with your Google Contacts |
Several Free Android Apps are available that are compatible with our services. |